A facial data privacy law has long affected consumers in ways that were never intended and makes many beneficial technologies unavailable due to litigation risk, according to SIA.
New York State Department of Education Commissioner Betty A. Rosa issued a determination that lifted the nearly three-year ban on use of biometric technologies in both public and private K-12 schools.
The new DHS policy includes a call for the use of all facial recognition and face capture technology to be “thoroughly tested to ensure there is no unintended bias.”
With a slim and compact form factor similar in size to a smartphone, it is easy to install and suitable for any door or building, from a small office to an enterprise environment.
Sentry teamed with Allegion and now supports end user owned encryption keys provisioned with Schlage’s Custom Encryption Key Service (SCEKS) — enabling these keys to be configured to the MIFARE DESFire chip embedded within Sentry’s biometric credential.