Since joining Elite in 2018, the company said Zatulov has been integral to leading the business to double-digit year-over-year growth, substantial increases in recurring monthly revenue (RMR) and low single-digit customer attrition.
Nice announced the appointment of Paul Williams — currently chief product officer at Nice North America — as managing director of the new home management solutions business unit.
Interface Systems announced that Sean Foley has been appointed to the role of chief revenue officer and Sunita Mani to the role of chief marketing officer.
Altronix appointed John King as its new central regional director of sales. King has more than 16 years of industry experience in the security, fire and access control sectors.
With Boulgarides and Ollivier Managed Security joining Security-Net, members of Security-Net gain additional expertise in monitoring and managed services, along with important coverage in the Southern California market.
Joe Harvey comes to ISS having worked in various leadership positions at traffic and parking safety solutions provider TAPCO (Traffic and Parking Control Co. Inc.) for more than 10 years.
As such, Ben Brydges also serves as a member of the dormakaba Group senior management team. He will be based in the company’s North American headquarters in Indianapolis.
The ability to adequately convey the benefits of video intelligence solutions will require specialists with individual market expertise that can speak to how these technologies address their unique needs.
Tom Kachnik will focus on increasing the adoption of AtlasIED’s transportation solutions in the region, including the GLOBALCOM enterprise communications platform.