The partnership will reportedly support Nice’s growth plan, which has completed seven strategic acquisitions in Europe and North America since 2018, with a total value of approximately €400 million.
The interactive experience now provides an added dimension of detail on the PASS K-12 Safety and Security Guidelines from the Partner Alliance for Safer Schools (PASS).
From large storage capacity network video recorders (NVRs) with high capacity RAID backup recording to video security cameras with built-in audio, Hikvision technology meets these stringent compliance mandates at competitive price points.
According to the announcement, she intends to further expand and update the association’s educational programs and offerings, help improve member benefits, and serve the industry at a higher level of impact.
For this project, ZEGS will use its green screen lab to create a portfolio of models enabling the Air Force to proactively secure waterside installations against potential coastline threats.
The Z-Wave Alliance, the standards development organization dedicated to advancing the smart home and Z-Wave technology, announced the newly elected Z-Wave Alliance Board of Directors.